8192_GCSE Algebra - Graphs of cubic equations (Higher only).doc 8196_GCSE Algebra - Graphs of quadratic equations (Foundation Higher).doc 8197_GCSE Algebra - Graphs of quadratic equations (Higher only).doc 8198_GCSE Algebra - Graphs of reciprocal equations (Higher only).doc 8199_GCSE Algebra - Graphs of trigonometrical functions (Higher only).doc 8x1Worksheet Real Life.doc ALGEBRA 1 English.pptx Curves 1.ppt draw them.pdf experimental-graphs.pdf Graphs_of_Real_Life_Situations.ppt investigatingshapesofgraphs.doc Parabola problem.jpg plottingcurvedgraphs.ppt Points calculated for curve worksheet.xls Quadratic cubic reciprocal graphs.docx REAL_LIFE_GRAPHS.docx RealLifeGraphs_-_worksheet.doc transformationofgraphs.ppt Use_of_gradients_to_find_Maximum_Minimum_Points_of_Inflexion.pptx